For those of you who have not been trained in the martial arts or taken any combat training, I'm going to explain to you the "ultimate ninja" move, the Triple-Whip. I may not be a black-belt but I've got something more powerful....I'm the mother of boys.
"Mom, watch me do this Triple-Whip!" shouts my three-year-old as he throws his "weapon" (stuffed teddy bear) into the air. I murmur the appropriate "oohs" and "ahhs."
"Mom," yells my eldest son, "watch this Triple-Whip." And he jumps off my coffee table, one leg out in a flying kick.
"Mom, watch me do a Triple-Whip!" It's my three-year-old again and he jumps off the couch doing a half-spin in the air....and lands on his butt.
"I'm doing a Triple-Whip, Mom!" says my five-year-old as he flails his arms about while spinning in a circle...and then falls to the floor.
"Watch this Triple-Whip." They're in competition and my three-year-old has jumped off the couch, barely missing the baby, and is rolling across the living room.
So, there you have it. The Triple-Whip. Ultimate Ninja fighting move.
Haha!! I can just picture your sweet boys flying thru the air! Wish I was there to see that! Oh the joys...
Oh I thought of something...You need a picture of a nice slice of cake or something sweet beside that coffee cup...Come to think of it, that would be bad. Seeing the cup makes me want coffee and I don't drink it! Imagine what the dessert would do!!! Maybe it is a good thing you don't have it there! Ummm caaaakkke.
It's things like this that make me thankful I have a GIRL. Boys exhaust me, even virtual boys!
Glad to see you're back safe and sound.
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