Sunday, June 22, 2008

Evolution, and why it's a load of crap

If evolution was true and actually possible, if an organism could adapt and change to become stronger and survive, then mothers would have THREE ARMS!!


Travis Erwin said...

And what would father's grow?

Shauna said...

Travis - A second income??

Marianne Arkins said...


You guys are so funny!!

And, Shauna, I'm right there with you.


Jenster said...


Becky said...

Just a third arm, lol?

Balance, my friend...balance. We would have needed to evolve to four, so that we could hold our Starbucks, unbuckle the little ones, open the car door and remember to get our keys out of the ignition.

Missed ya round. Glad to have you back!

Shauna said...

Marianne - :O)

Jenster - :O)

Becky - And eyes in the back of our heads. ;O)

The Daily Bee said...

LOL!!! Funny stuff.

I missed ya!

His Girl said...

been missing you so...

and funny, funny, funny stuff girl!

Shauna said...

You all are so awesome!

Deb - A long absence followed by a two line blog post - I'm pathetic. LOL! It's good to be back. ;-)

His Girl - Thanks!