Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!

Last night, as things were winding down and I was preparing for school the next day, I finished cleaning the kitchen and started the dishwasher. I set the boys' clothes out and sorted through the mountain of papers that somehow find their way home each day. I pulled out the lunch kits, which smelled of garlic sausage and cheese, and headed for the kitchen and some antibac cleaner.

And stepped in a puddle of water.

I glanced down to find a small pool forming under my dishwasher door. Huh? What did this mean? What would I do? Don't tell me my new-in-April dishwasher was failing! What was to become of me?!

I woke Chad, desperate for answers and reassurance. He looked at it, asked me why I hadn't mopped it up, told me he couldn't deal with it now, and went back to bed.

I got up this morning and hand washed two cereal bowls and spoons - Chad had fed Kolten already. My dishes have been piling up all day and I haven't had the time to deal with them. My plan was to cook the kids an early supper, rush them to piano lessons and from there to Awanas, and then, in the short hour-and-a-half of blissful, child-free time, come home and hand wash a day's worth of dirty dishes.

Welllll, Chad was home for lunch and took a quick look at the dishwasher. We decided to give it a go and see what happens. So far it's running fine and there is no water on the floor...yet. I'm continuing to check on it, but praise the Lord! It looks like it's hands-free dish washing for me!


airingon said...

Whew! Almost had a disaster. Keep a towel on the floor in front. It soaks up all kinds of stray drips. Hopefully you won't have any moisture. It beats hand washing.

Travis Erwin said...

Just wanted to say hi. Hope all is well with you and your family.

The Mailman's Wife said...

Time to post something new! Love you!!!

Travis Erwin said...

I remember when you blogged once or twice a year.