I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families. I'll tell you right now, nothing sucks more than getting the flu on Christmas day. All that built up anticipation for turkey, stuffing and pie, and then phfft. Can't stomach a forkful. What a disappointment.
But we have Take Two (a.k.a. Christmas with my family) tomorrow and so far not a stomach pain to be felt. Please, oh please let me enjoy a turkey dinner.
Right now, it's 1:55 a.m. and I just finished planning music for Sunday. This is the first moment this week I have had the time to sit and plan out service. I am running on a serious sleep deficit. I was able to finally fall asleep around 3:30 a.m. this morning, thanks to a cranky baby. The night, or should I say morning, before was 4:00 a.m. I'm TIRED! And we have Christmas with my family tomorrow which means I have to be up early to get ready, load the gifts and kids in the car and get to my parent's by 9:00 a.m. I'm just glad they only live across town.
I don't think I'm making much sense right now and I've dosed off twice at the computer. I'm shutting down and am going to try and catch some rest before the mayhem of tomorrow.
I want to take a minute right now to thank God for coffee. Seriously, I don't want to know where I would be without it. How crazy do you have to get before they put you in a padded room? And would it really be so bad? Your meals brought to you, unlimited time to SLEEP, coffee all day. There's pills to wake you up, put you to sleep, pick you up, or calm you down. Actually, that sounds like a real nice vacation. Where do I sign up?