- In February we celebrated three birthdays. Kolten, Connor and Chad. Those are just in my household. We also celebrated my brother's *now* wife's birthday as well. So happy VERY belated to you! March brought three more birthdays for us. Busy months and also a reason why...
- Chad and I took a weekend away at the end of March and headed to the city. We left the children with my parents and spent three days foot-loose and fancy-free. It was bliss. We ended our mini holiday with the annual dinner theatre we do with Chad's parents and brother and sister-in-law. It was FABULOUS! We're planning on making it a yearly tradition to give us a breather after the craziness of previous months.
- Sometime in April I realized that while I had thought my health was improving from the last year, I had in fact stalled and was slipping backwards. I saw my doctor and found out I'm anemic. We're working on finding the reason, but he's put me on extra iron and it has really boosted my energy. It's strange to have all these emotions after months of numbness, but it's good. I feel good.
- I turned 29 in May and that's all I'm going to say about that!
- My good friend got married the last weekend in May and I did the music for her wedding. It had long been planned that she would not force me to wear another bridesmaid dress, and in exchange I would take care of the music for her. She knows I love her and, had she asked, I would have put on a dress and smiled for the camera. She also knows me too well and didn't make me. ;-) (Love ya, Kristen!)
- My older brother got married the very next weekend. YEAH! He married a gem of a girl. Chad was a groomsman, Connor was the ring bearer and I played and sang during the ceremony, along with good friend and worship team member, Ira. That guy has mad skills on the guitar and I accompanied him while he played musical numbers of "The Hallelujah Chorus" by Leonard Cohen, and "This Year's Love" by David Grey. During the signing of the register, we did the Steven Curtis Chapman song "I Will Be Here".

My boys had SO MUCH fun at the wedding and dance.
Benen went strong until 1:30 a.m. Connor took a short cat nap around midnight and then was back at it.
Kolten lasted until about 11:00 and then crashed on some chairs and slept the rest of the night away. The music was a live band called
"Five on the Side." My brother is the bass player of the band and they are AWESOME! We've also gotten to know the lead singer, Sarah, and her husband and drummer, Justin, quite well over the years.

Anyhooo, during rehearsal the night before, they played the song "Ballroom Blitz" and my kids went nuts! This happens to be one of their favorite songs from Rock Band. The were psyched to learn the band would be playing that song at the wedding reception. When it came time, Sarah called Connor and Benen up to the stage to dance. I think she wanted them to dance at the front, but Connor didn't miss a beat. He hopped RIGHT UP ON STAGE and began dancing. Benen wasn't long in joining his brother and the two tore it up! At one point, the lead guitarist got down on one knee and rocked out beside them. Connor also got to end the song singing alongside Sarah to "It's, it's a ballroom blitz. It's it's a ballroom blitz." They LOVED it and so did everyone else. One guy came up to shake Connor's hand at the end and handed him $10! The entire night was a blast!

- So, after the last crazy six months (and the previous year), I finally decided to take the summer off worship. I won't be leading or participating in any way. Chad really encouraged me, and with the support of the pastor, other worship leaders and my friends, I finally took the leap. Or, in this case, giant step back. I haven't had a break in at least seven years and I have never completely stepped away. BUT, I was feeling the need for a summer filled focusing on my kids with no other responsibilities. I can hardly wait. School is officially out at the end of this week and I can't wait to hit the pool, the beach and have lots of water fights. I'm gonna stock up on water balloons and try to enjoy each minute of the next couple of months.
Side note: This is the first week my team is playing without me and it's all I can do NOT to step in and help plan and organize it. I'm finding it harder than I expected. I love everyone on the team and I think that's why it's so hard to step back.
- And now, some pretty big, significant news. WE JUST ADOPTED A CUTE SIX MONTH OLD BOY! I always thought if we adopted, it would be a girl. You know, sorta balance out the testosterone that flows through this house. But what can I say? When it's right, it's right. I think he will be the perfect addition to our home. I mean, just look at that face.

The boys had absolutely NO idea that we were considering getting a puppy. With Chad's and my allergies,we've always told the boys that it just wasn't an option. BUT kids need pets and boys need puppies. This little guy is so sweet and mild tempered. My hubby never had any pets growing up and I had to do some fancy talking to get him to accept the idea of a dog. Notice the dog's collar and tag? Edmonton Oilers. Whose idea do you think that was?

I went early this morning to Camrose, about two hours from where I live, to pick him up. I took him to the school when I went to get the boys and they were SHOCKED. Benen's exact words were.
"No way! Tell me the truth. You're kidding! Have you told Connor yet?"
Anyways, he's not as playful as the boys would like, but I think that will come as he settles in.
And that, in a nutshell, has been my life the last few months.